Focus Sectors

Our solutions impact millions of lives directly, by making essential services efficient.

We are problem solvers. Over the last 13 years, we have engaged with various state governments and delivered smart solutions for better urban governance and efficient provision of municipal services. We have also partnered with the private sector to deliver tracking and monitoring solutions for logistics companies, fleet operators, manufacturing units and construction companies, among others. Our solutions are scalable and can be ported across industries.

Urban Governance

Convexicon has worked closely with several city authorities and municipal corporations on their smart city projects with great success.

Africa is rapidly urbanising and facing many urban challenges including the growing slums, waste management, clean water supply and sanitation. Smart Cities Mission is aimed at addressing these challenges in order to bring a sense of ease in everyday living and uplift the quality of life by introducing Smart IoT elements for public. Convexicon specializes in the following:

  • Intelligent Solid Waste Management Solutions
  • Manhole (Sewerage Holes) Monitoring Solutions
  • De-sludge Monitoring System (for Rural Areas)
  • GIS Survey and Mapping
  • Smart Water System (under development)
  • Public Toilet Monitoring Solutions

Transport and Logistics

Our solutions for the transport and logistics industry not only deliver substantial cost savings by making their operations more efficient but also add accountability and mitigate risk.

Kenya’s transport, storage and communication sector is expanding and has contributed an additional value of approx. 231.9 billion rand. Whenever there are men, material, money or machines on the move, there is always an element of risk. Our Transport and Logistics solutions are geared for the following:

  • Fleet owners, who want real time tracking of movement of their vehicles
  • Schools, Hospitals and such institutions to monitor movement of their vehicles and driver behaviour.
  • City transport corporations for optimized route planning and vehicle tracking.
  • Companies with onfield staff in sensitive and high-risk geographies.
  • Families and individuals, who want real time vehicle tracking for safety.

Transport and Logistics

Our solutions for the transport and logistics industry not only deliver substantial cost savings by making their operations more efficient but also add accountability and mitigate risk.

Kenya’s transport, storage and communication sector is expanding and has contributed an additional value of approx. 231.9 billion rand. Whenever there are men, material, money or machines on the move, there is always an element of risk. Our Transport and Logistics solutions are geared for the following:

  • Fleet owners, who want real time tracking of movement of their vehicles
  • Schools, Hospitals and such institutions to monitor movement of their vehicles and driver behaviour.
  • City transport corporations for optimized route planning and vehicle tracking.
  • Companies with onfield staff in sensitive and high-risk geographies.
  • Families and individuals, who want real time vehicle tracking for safety.


Convexicon provides complete supply chain management and continuous tracking solutions for the manufacturing sector.

The diversified manufacturing sector of Kenya has helped it being resilient in the global economy. The major challenges faced by the manufacturing sector here are: labour productivity, inventory management, material wastage and need to adapt to the technological changes. Our solutions ensure efficient delivery of products from warehouse to market and under monitored conditions, thereby infusing accountability and discipline in the entire operation. Our Manufacturing sector solutions is aimed at covering all recent technological advancements and offer the following:

  • Supply Chain Management System
  • E-bidding Solution
  • Fleet Management Solutions

Healthcare Services

Convexicon is working on solutions, which will help the healthcare sector in addressing challenges of implementation of healthcare programs, including vaccination drives such as for polio in the past and for Covid-19 currently under way.

With one of the most dynamic healthcare sectors, Kenya is still facing tremendous pressure, as far as implementation and monitoring of healthcare programs go. The onset of Covid has only exposed them further. Faster and more efficient tracking and monitoring of patients could have helped save innumerable lives and possibly helped contain the pandemic. Convexicon is focused on developing technology solutions, which can help with the following:

  • COVID Monitoring
  • Vaccination drives
  • Effective implementation of healthcare programs

Healthcare Services

Convexicon is working on solutions, which will help the healthcare sector in addressing challenges of implementation of healthcare programs, including vaccination drives such as for polio in the past and for Covid-19 currently under way.

With one of the most dynamic healthcare sectors, Kenya is still facing tremendous pressure, as far as implementation and monitoring of healthcare programs go. The onset of Covid has only exposed them further. Faster and more efficient tracking and monitoring of patients could have helped save innumerable lives and possibly helped contain the pandemic. Convexicon is focused on developing technology solutions, which can help with the following:

  • COVID Monitoring
  • Vaccination drives
  • Effective implementation of healthcare programs
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